A Holistic Guide to Embracing Autumn with Mind, Body, and Spirit.

As the children head back to school, there’s a collective shift in the air, one that often feels like the true end of summer. Whether you have children or not, the end of the school holidays often signals a return to routine, a fading of the carefree energy that summer brings, and the undeniable arrival of autumn. The long, light days begin to shorten, the air becomes crisper, the summer clothes get tucked away in the back of the wardrobe, and we’re left with a sense that something has ended. It can feel like the lightness and joy of summer is slipping away, leaving behind a bittersweet yearning for those golden, carefree weeks.

I understand that feeling deeply, I’m always sad when my children return to school and the summer ends, but over the years, I’ve come to embrace autumn not as an ending, but as a new beginning. It’s a season that invites us to slow down, reflect, and turn inward. Instead of resisting the shift, I’ve learned to flow with it—to welcome autumn’s quiet beauty, its calming winds and its invitation to rest and reset. If you’re feeling the end-of-summer blues, let me guide you through some ways to nourish your mind, body, and spirit during this time of transition, and how we can all find joy as we settle into the cooler months.

Mind: Shifting Perspectives and Embracing Stillness

Autumn can often feel like a chapter closing, but I like to think of it as a gentle nudge from nature to shift gears. Just as the vibrant energy of summer gives way to autumn’s softer, more introspective tone, we too are called to embrace a slower pace, one of reflection and quiet transformation.

As the season changes, if I find that I’m feeling any resistance, I find comfort in grounding myself with affirmations that align me with the energy of autumn. I might find myself affirming : “I welcome this season of reflection and rest with an open heart", “I honour the natural cycles within me, knowing that rest is as important as growth“, "Just as the trees let go of their leaves, I let go of all I no longer need”. Are you feeling resistance to Autumn? I wonder if you could take these affirmations and doodle them, or write them out in your journal, or say them in the mirror to yourself a few times over until you start to embrace them? Paired with journalling, these affirmations can help you to embrace the natural rhythms of life.

I often take time to sit with my journal, a warm cup of tea in hand, and reflect on how this season mirrors my inner world. What am I being asked to let go of? What parts of myself need nurturing as the days grow shorter? Journaling helps to shift my mindset from one of loss to one of quiet acceptance and renewal. Ask yourself the same questions. Get cosy with your journal and spend an evening reflecting on what you might need to let go of, and what parts of you might need more nurture.

"Just as the trees shed their leaves in preparation for new growth, we too are invited to release these thoughts and embrace the idea that autumn brings its own gifts."

Mindset Shifts and Challenging Thoughts

When the carefree days of summer end, it’s natural for our minds to resist the transition. Thoughts like, “I’m not ready for the colder, darker months,” or “Summer ended too quickly,” can pop up. I actually found myself saying this to people. When they asked “how was your summer?” I heard myself answering with “lovely, thank you, but it went way too quickly!” But just as the trees shed their leaves in preparation for new growth, we too are invited to release these thoughts and embrace the idea that autumn brings its own gifts.

By challenging these thoughts, we can shift from resistance to acceptance. I like to ask myself, “What am I gaining in this season?” Perhaps it’s more time to rest (certainly less lawn cutting!), deeper moments of reflection, warm and cosy log fires, or the chance to slow down and connect with myself. Observing your mind and lovingly challenging those thoughts of loss can lead to a mindset of peace and even joy. Spend some time asking yourself the same question….”What am I gaining in this season?” and share your list with us in the comments for our inspiration…

Body: Caring for Your Energy System

As the seasons change, our bodies feel the shift too. The light, active energy of summer begins to wane, and we may notice the need for a different kind of self-care—one that’s more nurturing, grounding, and reflective.

Aura and Chakra Cleansing

During autumn, I find I need to focus on clearing and recharging my energy system - It’s the “letting go” feeling that comes over me. An autumn walk to let the crisp autumn wind blow away any energy ‘cobwebs’ is a much loved activity of mine. Visualising my aura glowing bright and clear, I imagine the crisp autumn wind sweeping away any stagnant or heavy energy that may have accumulated during the summer months. If you’re not a fan of the outdoors in the colder months, you can use tools like selenite wands, salt baths, or even simply setting the intention in meditation to cleanse your aura.

I pay special attention to my root chakra and earth star chakra during this time, as autumn invites us to ground ourselves more deeply. When we get back to being busy and a slower summer, and we’re in the process of letting go, our energy system needs to feel anchored and steady. Taking walks outside, feeling the crunch of leaves beneath my feet, helps me feel connected and rooted. But if I’m not feeling that walk, I might take to a guided meditation for my root chakra or earth star chakra, or spend time in yoga poses which help to open and connect my base to the earth (simply sitting on the ground cross legged is an easy and super useful one). It can also be useful to focus on your heart and third-eye chakras during this time—opening yourself to the love and clarity that this season offers if you’re someone who resists these months.

Movement and Self-Care

Though autumn might feel like a time to hibernate, our bodies still crave movement, albeit slower and more intentional. Gentle yoga, stretching, or mindful walks in nature are wonderful ways to stay connected to your body’s energy flow. One of my favourite autumn rituals, which I hope to do more of this year, is bundling up in cosy layers and walking through the woods, letting the changing colours and crisp air fill me with a sense of peace.

Nourishing our bodies with warming foods—root vegetables, stews, and herbal teas—helps us feel grounded and cared for as we move into the cooler months. Listen to your body and give it the nurturing, gentle care it deserves during this seasonal shift.

Spirit: Working with Autumn Angels

Spiritually, autumn is a time of surrender and inner work, and there are angels who guide us through this process. Archangel Michael rules the entire autumnal season. His energy helps us let go—just as the trees release their leaves—of anything that no longer serves us, allowing space for new growth.

By connecting with his energy he will bring clarity to our hearts and minds, helping us see the goodness in all we have cultivated throughout the year. Autumn is a time of harvest, not only in nature but also in our personal lives. Michael guides us in reflecting on what we’ve nurtured—our projects, relationships, dreams, and inner growth. He helps us recognise the positive outcomes of our efforts, even those that may have gone unnoticed, and encourages us to celebrate our progress.

As we step into this new season, Archangel Michael also supports us in releasing any negative energies that may have accumulated over the past months. His light cuts through the doubts, fears, and burdens we carry, allowing us to feel lighter and more focused. He reminds us that it’s time to simplify, to get back to basics, and to return to what truly matters. His energy helps us release any heaviness, making space for renewal and joy as we embrace the quiet beauty of autumn.

Through Michael’s guidance, we can feel empowered to move forward with strength, grounded in gratitude and clarity. He stands beside us as a beacon of hope, showing us the freedom that comes with surrender and trust in the natural cycles of life. With his help, we transition into autumn not with a sense of loss, but with a deep sense of peace, protection, and purpose.

This meditation will help you connect with Archangel Michael during this season, guiding you to reflect on your personal harvest and release what no longer serves you, so you can step into autumn feeling centered, protected, and renewed.

Guided Meditation for Transitioning into Autumn with Archangel Michael

Take a moment to settle yourself into a comfortable position. Close your eyes, and allow your body to relax. Let your breath slow and deepen, inhaling fully and exhaling softly, like a gentle breeze passing through you. With each breath, feel the tension in your body begin to release, and let yourself be fully present in this moment.

Now, imagine yourself standing in the middle of a golden autumn field. The sun is low in the sky, casting a warm, amber light over everything. You feel the gentle crispness of the autumn air against your skin, and you breathe in deeply, taking in the earthy scent of fallen leaves. All around you, the season is shifting, and Nature is inviting you to reflect on your own personal harvest.

As you stand in this sacred space, call upon Archangel Michael. Imagine him appearing before you, his presence powerful yet calming, radiating strength and protection. His deep blue light surrounds you like a shield, offering you safety and peace. You feel grounded and supported in his presence, knowing that you are exactly where you need to be.

Archangel Michael places his hand gently on your shoulder and encourages you to reflect on all that you have cultivated over the past year—your projects, wishes, prayers, and feelings. What have you planted? What have you nurtured? Allow yourself to see the good you’ve created, the progress you’ve made, and the love and effort you’ve poured into your life.

With Archangel Michael’s guidance, see the blessings you may have overlooked—the kindnesses you’ve shared, the growth you’ve achieved, and the positive changes that have taken root in your life. Take a moment to express deep gratitude for all that has blossomed, big or small.

Now, feel Archangel Michael’s energy wrap around you like a warm blanket of protection, and hear his message: “It’s time to get focused, to return to your center, and to let go of anything that no longer serves you.”

With his guidance, imagine a soft, glowing light in your heart, representing all the love, hope, and positivity in your life. Now, visualise anything that feels heavy—doubts, fears, negative energies—drifting away from you like leaves in the wind, carried off by Archangel Michael’s powerful wings. He clears your path, helping you feel lighter and more aligned with your true self.

In this moment, allow yourself to feel gratitude—for the people you love, for the experiences that have shaped you, and for all the goodness that fills your life. With Archangel Michael’s support, you are free from harmful energies. You are protected, and you are ready to transition into this new season with clarity and focus.

Finally, take one more deep breath, feeling grounded, refreshed, and renewed. When you’re ready, slowly bring your awareness back to the room, knowing that Archangel Michael is with you, guiding you as you step forward into this beautiful season of transformation and gratitude.

Open your eyes, feeling peaceful and filled with light.

How did you like this meditation? What did it bring up for you? Share your experience with us ini the comments…

Creating Joy Indoors: Embracing Hygge

One of my favourite things about autumn is the chance to fully embrace “hygge”—the Danish art of cosiness. There’s something magical about transforming your home into a warm, inviting space as the days grow colder. For me, it’s all about soft blankets, flickering candles, and warm lighting that creates an atmosphere of comfort and calm.

I love spending autumn evenings curled up with a good book, surrounded by the glow of salt lamps, and a crackling fire. These small moments of comfort help me embrace the season with joy, turning what could feel like the end of something into the beginning of a deeply restorative, cosy time.

Take the time to create your own sanctuary at home. Whether it’s lighting candles, diffusing autumnal essential oils (see which ones are great for autumn below - my favourites are cloves + frankincense or if I get an autumn cold I love frankincense + eucalyptus + rosemary ) or indulging in simple self-care rituals like a warm bath or a new creative hobby, finding joy indoors can transform your experience of autumn.

Essential Oils for Harvest Time through to Late Autumn:

(Thank you for these, Meagan Rose Wilson!)

  • Cinnamon Bark – lifts spirits, stimulates the immune system, antiviral
  • Clove – anti-inflammatory, boosts energy, kills mold and fungus
  • Ginger – soothes upset tummies and aids in digestion, gives courage, natural expectorant
  • Wild Orange – supports immune function, lifts spirits, grounding & calming
  • Frankincense – stimulates immune system, stress reliever, relief from coughing
  • Rosemary – pain relief, lowers cortisol levels, improves memory
  • Eucalyptus – anti-septic, anti-bacterial, decongestant and expectorant

Fragrant Fall Essential Oil Combinations:

Cinnamon Bark + Ginger + Wild Orange

Cinnamon Bark + Ginger + Clove Bud

Cinnamon Bark + Frankincense + Wild Orange

Eucalyptus + Rosemary + Cinnamon Bark + Clove Bud

Surrendering To Autumn's Energy

Autumn is a season of surrender—a gentle reminder that there is wisdom in slowing down, in letting go of what no longer serves us. Just as the trees shed their leaves without hesitation, we too are invited to release old patterns, thoughts, and energies. This season encourages us to embrace stillness, to rest, and to reflect.

Surrendering doesn’t mean giving up—it means trusting in the natural cycles of life and the wisdom they offer. Autumn teaches us that rest is just as important as action, that reflection is a necessary part of growth. When we surrender to this energy, we find peace in the stillness, and with that peace comes renewal.

The Blessings Of Autumn

While it may feel like autumn is a time of endings, it’s also a time of harvesting blessings. It’s a season of balance, where we can reflect on what we’ve harvested—both in our external lives and within ourselves. It’s a time to celebrate what has come to fruition and to rest in the knowledge that this pause is part of a larger cycle of growth.

Autumn brings with it the chance to slow down, to turn inward, and to find joy in the small, quiet moments. When we stop resisting the change and instead welcome it, we open ourselves to the beauty and peace that autumn holds.

So as you step into this season, take a deep breath and allow yourself to surrender to its magic. Autumn isn’t just the end of summer—it’s the beginning of a new cycle, one filled with reflection, renewal, and the quiet joy of coming home to yourself.



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