5 Quick Self-Care Practices for Busy Women: Nourishing Your Mind, Body and Spirit in Minutes

Life can be hectic, I get it. I used to believe that self-care meant finding large, uninterrupted blocks of time, which I don't always have, but I’ve come to realise it can be done in small, meaningful moments. Let me share with you a few simple but nourishing practices that have become part of my daily routine—practices that remind me to care for myself even on the busiest days.

Morning Detox with Lemon and Ginger Tea

One of my favorite ways to start the day is with a warm cup of lemon and ginger tea. This simple morning ritual helps detox my system and cleanse my liver, but it’s more than just a physical detox for me. It’s a way for me to include a small mindful act of self-care that sets a peaceful tone for the day. As I sip the tea, I take a few moments to connect with my breath and ground myself in the present moment. It’s a small act, but I find it soothing and nourishing. 


Journalling doesn't have to be lengthy. Personally, it's has become a refuge for me, even on my busiest days. Whenever my mind feels cluttered, even five minutes of free-writing can clear the mental fog. It’s not about perfection or writing something deep—sometimes it’s just a stream of consciousness or a few thoughts about my day. What matters is the act of releasing some of those pent-up emotions and thoughts onto paper. There’s something powerful about putting pen to paper—it allows me to process what’s going on in my mind and often leaves me feeling more centred and calm. I’ve found that this small, consistent practice gives me clarity in ways I didn’t anticipate.

Resting In The Heart Meditation

We don't always have time for a long guided meditation. When life feels overwhelming, this practice helps me reconnect with a place of inner peace in a quick and easy way. I start by imagining a staircase within me, beginning in my head and leading all the way down to my heart. I take one step at a time, slowly and intentionally, visualising myself descending. With each step, I feel myself moving further away from the busyness of my mind and closer to the calm of my heart. When I reach the bottom of the staircase, I imagine a door to my heart - it’s usually violet, like the violet flame. I see myself opening it and stepping inside. The space within is peaceful, warm, and quiet. I rest there for as long as I can, breathing deeply, soaking in the stillness. It’s my safe haven—a place I can always return to when the outside world feels overwhelming. This simple visualisation has become one of my most cherished self-care practices, a way to reset and find balance, even in the middle of a busy day. And it’s a great way to get spontaneous spiritual insights too!

Gratitude Practice

Gratitude has this incredible ability to shift my perspective, even on the toughest days. Either when I'm drinking my morning tea, or whenever I feel stressed or anxious, I pause and look around—really look. It might be the soft light streaming through the window, the laughter of my children, appreciation for the things I have in this room, or simply the fact that I have a warm cup of herbal tea in my hands. I take a moment to appreciate these things, and it fills me with a sense of abundance. There is love in all things, if we just take the time to notice. This practice grounds me, pulling me out of the rush of life and into a moment of pure presence. It reminds me that even amidst the chaos, there is so much to be thankful for.

Reading For Personal Growth

I’m a firm believer that feeding the mind is just as important as nourishing the body. That’s why I carve out at least 10 minutes each day to read something that inspires me. We've all got 10 minutes, right? It might be a spiritual book, a piece of personal development writing, a blog, or even a collection of poetry that speaks to my soul. These moments of reading provide me with insight, wisdom, and a gentle nudge to keep growing. For me, reading isn’t just about learning new information; it’s about feeding my spirit and reconnecting with what truly matters. I always feel more grounded, more connected to myself, after spending even a few minutes with a good book.

Self-care doesn’t have to be extravagant or time-consuming. It’s about finding small, intentional ways to care for yourself, even during the busiest times. Whether it’s journalling to clear your mind, stepping into your heart for a moment of calm, practicing gratitude, reading for growth, or mindfully sipping a warm cup of tea—these little practices can have a huge impact on how you feel. They remind you that even in the midst of life’s demands, you are deserving of care, presence, and love. And that’s what self-care is all about—honouring yourself, moment by moment.

Take a moment to reflect. How can you create small moments of self-care in your daily routine, even if you feel pressed for time? Which self-care practice mentioned resonates most with you, and how can you start incorporating it into your life? 


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