How to Stay Positive When Life Throws You a Curveball

My husband came home in the car yesterday afternoon and told me the car was broken. “There was a big bang and then the steering started to sound dodgy”. I sighed and immediately felt my mood shift into victim mentality. Some of the thoughts that went through my head included : “how much is that gonna cost? ; typical! It’s because I’ve saved some money for our holiday and the universe only ever gives me enough, so it’s stealing this money back ; I’m stranded without a car ; this is just one more thing I’ll have to try sort out, as if I’ve not got enough to do ; this has ruined my weekend;

This morning when I woke up, my thoughts went to the car again. And once again, my mood dipped immediately, and it threatened to ruin my day. So I decided, consciously, to flip the switch on it. I decided to think about the abundance there is in my life, not only with regards to my car but with regards to everything else in life that was working out perfectly. I pondered how fortunate I was to even own a car, when so many people couldn’t afford one. I pondered how I would save fuel from not driving around in it today. I pondered how beautiful the car is and how blessed I am to have had it working so well, for so long. I pondered how this meant a day at home, in the garden, rather than having to head out somewhere. I pondered how fortunate it was for the car to breakdown now, whilst I’m not having to travel to work or school.

So I decided, consciously, to flip the switch on it. I decided to think about the abundance there is in my life, not only with regards to my car but with regards to everything else in life that was working out perfectly.

And then I wondered what the reflection was. If it’s true that there are no accidents or coincidences, and the outside world reflects our inner world back to us, what does broken steering (possibly a spring) mean for me or my husband?! Something about our direction in life? That we need to be still. Interesting questions to ponder, for sure. And there’s another blessing- the chance to ask ourselves some important questions.

I spent the day out in my garden today, enjoying the sights and sounds there. Every time I’ve thought of the car, and how annoying the break down is, I’ve reminded myself to just enjoy the garden, the weather, my family, to look for a positive, and to visualise the best possible outcome. It’s like Matty said (my husband): “it’s happened now, we can’t change it, so we might as well not worry about it”

What challenges have you faced lately? Consciously flip the switch on it and think about all the great things that have happened lately. What's the reflection here with this challenge? Reflect in your journal and comment below.


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