Your Heart's Desire Meditation

What is it that you really want?

I really struggle with this at the best of times. I have so many wonderful opportunities to explore that I find it hard to know which ones I really want to focus on and grow, and which ones I would like to filter out. Often, I try to do them all and this ends up in overwhelm. I know that I have to prioritise, and focus on what's most important to me, and at this time of the year (it's coming up to the New Year!), I start to reflect and decide upon what it is I want to manifest. 

I stumbled upon a meditation by Nikki Wyatt and this became the inspiration for the meditation I've written and recorded below. I intend to practice this meditation lots over the Christmas Period and New Year. I'm hoping that I have greater clarity around my direction after practising it so that I can hold the visualisation in my mind in the weeks to come. I wanted to share it with you all to help you if you're struggling to know what it is you want to manifest in the next year. Let me know how you get on with it!!!


Let's chat about spiritual coaching...

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